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Maven Play2 Plugin

The plugin is now part of the OW2 Nanoko project. The new documentation is available on: The new Github project is:

The play2-maven-plugin is used to build Play 2 applications using Maven. Basically, it just a wrapper around the play command. It supports compilation, testing and packaging of the application.


  • Dependency Management: libraries and modules used by your application are declared in the Maven POM file.
  • Java and Scala : your application can use Java, Scala or both
  • Test: your tests runs during the maven test phase
  • Build applications: your application is packaged in an archive ready to be deployed
  • Build modules: you can also build Play 2 modules

Goals Overview

The Play2 Plugin acts on projects using the play2 packaging type during the following phases:

There are also goals not bound to the Maven project lifecycle:


General instructions on how to use the play2-maven-plugin can be found on the usage page.